How to sort through your things: my top 3 pieces of advice

It's starting to get (somewhat) cooler here in North Carolina, and I just realized it's October (!!!), so I'm about to do one of my routine closet clean outs (more on that later).

As you get to know me, you'll notice that one of my organizing + decluttering routines is going through my closet at the start of each season to take inventory of what I have and if I still need it in my current season of life. So for the next week or so I plan to throw on a Football game for background noise, make myself a latte, and take my time sorting through all the lovely clothes I've been lucky enough to own.

Do you have any routines like this? I'm constantly tweaking and editing mine, so I'd love to know if you do. Whether you've got your organizing + decluttering systems down to a science, or you're beginning your journey to a home that feels heavenly, I wanted to put together a little jump start guide on how I maintain my belongings. In short: first I sort, then I organize what's left.

Today though, I thought I'd first share the top 3 questions and tips I use when I go through the first phase of sorting.

1. Focus on one small pile at a time

Organizing and sorting through things is a lot of decisions! (Keep this? Toss that? Wait, did I actually wear this in public?) It can be a very tiring and draining process if you try and tackle everything at once. Plus, your brain loves taking things in chunks. So my main recommendation, is break this sh*t down.

When I'm going through my closet, I like to pull out one handful at a time of things within the same category. So, for example, I'll pull out 5 coats, try them on and have a little fashion show, and make a decision if it's still my style. If I'm really not sure if it's a keep or a donate, I'll put it in a “maybe” pile. ("Maybe" piles I come back to later, and that helps lessen the drama of it all).

Anything that feels “eh” on me, gets placed in the donation/sell pile. Anything that makes me feel super comfy and compliments my figure, gets a coveted spot back in my closet.

Personally, I like to keep these piles out of my closet until I'm ready to put things back in and get to organizing. I'll just pick a wall in my room and acknowledge that it might get messy before it gets better.

Some days those 5 coats are all I have in my little heart to do, and I'm fine with that. Other days, I might do some more or just do the whole closet. Whether you set a timer to work on it for 5 minutes or an hour, you're taking the time to make this a lifestyle and that's the main goal.

2. Would I…?

Would I take this with me on vacation?

If you're like me, you only pack your best stuff for vacation. I'm such a homebody, so vacation is my time to really shine. If I'm not bringing it on vacation, odds are I don't really need it.

Would I pay full price for this again?

I love a bargain, my husband will be the first to tell you that I'm quite proud when I get a good deal. So if I'm going to buy something full price, it's going to be something that I loooove. If I wouldn't buy it full price in the store right now, I probably don't need this either.

Would I want to pack this up if I moved?

Do you like packing? My guess is that you're like most people and said no. If I'm going to pack up and move anything (and rent a U-Haul and carry things up any amount of steps… oh and then unpack, AND let it take up square footage that I pay for) it's going to be for things I actually love and use.

3. Is this…?

Is this serving a purpose for me right now, in my current season of life?

Is owning this making me feel like the person I want to be?

Is this me?

Ok, this is one where a lot of us can bring out our inner lawyer. If you want to keep something, you will find a reason to argue for it. Remember that being “minimalistic” doesn't mean you only have to own 1 pair of socks and jeans (unless of course that's what you want), it's just about owning things you love and use. If shoes make you the happiest person ever, load that closet up with shoes. Just be honest here is all I'm sayin'. When you wear this thing, does it make you feel sexy? Does it make you feel confident? Does it make you want to curl up on the couch and burst from coziness? Does it make you feel like you?

And that's it! That's how I do my sorting around here.

Let me know if this was helpful, if it reminded you of your own routine, or if you're joining me on this closet clean out! Next up is how I organize the things I've decided to keep …


How to organize: 3 important steps