Never have I ever

Let's play a game. A little “Never Have I Ever”…

You know this game…it's the one you and your middle school girl friends used to play in your basement, sitting in a circle on top of your sleeping bags, eagerly waiting to hear what juicy scoop you're about to uncover when someone puts a finger down. You'd hold up ten fingers and say, “never have I ever… (insert something that you've never done, but you know one of your friends has to get them to put a finger down).”

I'll go first —

Never have I ever… had enough time to get every single thing on my to do list done every single day.

If you put a finger down, that's impressive! You can just stop reading.

If you're like the vast majority of our population, myself included, you still have all of your fingers up.

That's because life is crazy and there's always a bunch of things that demand our attention. School, work, travel, our homes, kids, friends, family, health, etc.

It's really easy to see why decluttering and organizing gets pushed to the next day, and the next day, and the next day. It's even easier to push to the side when it doesn't come naturally to you, you're lacking the extra energy and motivation, or your schedule is largely dictated by other peoples' schedules.

The harsh truth is that time is the only resource we can't get more of. And we all want the answers, the hacks, the tips and tricks on how to create more of it or use it more efficiently. We want someone to tell us how we can get off the hamster wheel.

The only problem with just having someone tell us their solutions, is that it skips a really important step.

Before you panic that time is something you'll never have enough of, let's just pause and look around for a minute. Let's do that first step, which is to observe.

What DO you have time for?

Why spend your time trying to figure out how to fit in the million things you need to do, when some of those things you don't need to have on your plate in the first place?

How are you currently spending your time – what are you doing all day?

If you don't know where to begin to answer these questions, or don't like your answers, let's fix that! These days add up and make up your life.

There's a million books, videos, courses, and articles out there to help you with time management, decluttering, organizing, minimalism. If you've tried these resources before, and nothing has stuck, let me help you! We'll work 1-on-1 to implement all that great information out there and to simplify your home and life so it doesn't feel like they're running you into the ground. I want you to feel like you have the time to create a space that feels heavenly to you, and to have the space and time for what means the most.

If you're thinking, “I don't have time for what I currently have going on, let alone coaching," I definitely get it. But how much time do you spend beating yourself up about not having any time? How much time are you willing to spend focusing on the problem versus the solution?

It’s your turn to fill in the blank… “never have I ever…”

Was your response something I can help you with? Something that sounds like these?:

  • … felt completely in love with my home and life

  • … had a closet full of clothes I love and look good on me

  • … felt like my home was set up for success

It's a new year and you can make it anything you want 💫 If you want this to be the year you finally simplify your life and home so that they feel genuinely like you, I'm ready to get started whenever you are 💖


Don’t learn this lesson the hard way, like I did


5 Questions to answer before 2022 starts