Where do I start?
Last week I did a really fun webinar (you can find the replay on my last post) with one of my life coach friends, Laura Chipman, and one question that many people had about organizing and decluttering (and one that's always common!) was “where do I start?”
I feel you. Starting is always the hardest part, no matter what we're doing.
It's especially difficult when our plates are already full and we're starting something that doesn't come naturally.
But I want to let you know, organization is not something you're either born with or not. You might be someone who is more inclined to do it, or it feels second nature, but living clutter free and organized is something we all have to work at in order to maintain. It's like any other skill, just because it comes more naturally to someone else, doesn't mean you can't work at it and do it just as well if not better. So just keep that in mind that you're not doomed if it doesn't feel easy and automatic. All you have to do is decide whether or not you want to work on it.
So let's go back to where to start. There's no single correct answer on where to start, but I'll share with you where I begin and why.
I start somewhere small.
… Somewhere I won't have to make a 1000 decisions right off the bat that'll hold me up
… Somewhere that I can work through fairly quickly and will be an easy win that I can feel good about
… Somewhere with less foot traffic and won't get messy as quickly so I don't feel like I'm chasing my tail and just say “f it”
I also start before I’m ready.
…because being organized, decluttered, and minimalistic is a lifestyle. If I only did these things when I felt like it or had a lot of extra time, they would never get done.
Some examples of these places:
a guest bathroom or bedroom
a small hallway closet
the laundry area
one drawer or shelf in a bigger space
one small handful of papers
one week on my calendar
I like to pick somewhere small and less commonly used rather than a bigger, more frequently used space, like a kitchen or your closet, because it usually comes with less decisions, it doesn't get messy as easily, and it helps me build momentum to move onto the next space. When you pick somewhere bigger like a kitchen, you may find yourself going back and forth on whether you should keep something, where it should go, etc. Then your family member might come in and start cooking in your organizing zone and you'll lose it 😤 So pick somewhere that you have a little more control over, and that won't take up a lot of time.
Once you decide where you're going to start, I love working wall to wall. Section by section. Pile by pile. Break it down into chunks. Finish the whole room, or don't. During this phase all I'm doing is clearing things out and putting what I'm keeping right back where I found it. I'll find a home for it later, once I know what all I'm keeping and the things I'm not keeping are out. I have a blog dedicated to the questions I ask myself when I'm sorting, as well as one with 3 tips on starting to organize.
No matter where you start, the important thing is that you've started! Seriously. Living more intentionally and being organized is a lifestyle, not a destination you reach and check off your list. It's not going to be perfect right away, and you'll have many “rough drafts” of what you keep, where you put things, how you want your space to flow, and how you want it to look.
It gets easier though, just like anything else you work at.
All that matters is you're on your way to a life that isn't ruled by stuff and disorganization.
Be kind to yourself as you go through this process. Take your time. Enjoy it!
Here's a quote that I love to read when I'm feeling overwhelmed on where to start –
What’re you going to start this week?